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Real Britannia: Caesar’s Second Invasion - RB 092120

Sven Longshanks and Max Musson talk about news from Britain before discussing Julius Caesar’s second invasion of the isle.

The resistance to Corona restrictions is growing, with pop stars speaking out and another large demonstration at the weekend.

People are getting fed up with BLM as well, with thousands complaining to Offcom about the Diversity dance troupe’s BLM tribute.

Max has discovered a huge variety in British foods through Mrs Beeton and urges listeners to look through her work.

A new website resource is available that enables you to help stop the destruction of our heritage.

Caesar threw everything into his second invasion of Britain, including a thousand ship flotilla, all the nobility of Gaul, traitors placed within Britain and even a battle elephant.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson

Real Britannia: Caesar’s Second Invasion - RB 092120


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