The rest of this series can be found HERE
Sven Longshanks explains some of the ways feminism has been harmful for the nation.
Women were never oppressed, they had everything provided for them by their husband and were expected to look after the home in return.
They had the leisure time in which to educate themselves and found fulfilment in raising children and being house proud.
Now women are in work, the wages have halved as the work-pool has doubled, forcing both parents to work and leaving the child for someone else to look after.
Since the family is the nucleus on which the nation is formed, this neglect of the child attacks the nation right at its roots.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: An Introduction to Nationalism V – DN 092320
The Daily Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion tomorrow at 12pm EDT/5pm BST.
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