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Patriotic Weekly Review: David Duke – PWR 101420

David Duke joins Mark Collett and No White Guilt to discuss President Trump and the American election.

David Duke begins by letting us know he has been doing this for 60 years and when he started out, America was still 90% White.

America is the source of everyone’s freedom to discuss important subjects online and if Biden is elected, we will lose that.

The Democrats are now full Bolsheviks and if they get in, their censorship of the net will spread throughout the world suppressing all critical thought.

No White Guilt reels off a list of planned acts and resolutions all geared to classifying Nationalists and free-thinkers in the same group as ISIS.

David points out that despite Trump’s support for Israel, every time he calls out the fake news he is exposing the Jews that own those news organisations.

He thinks he has a good chance of winning in spite of social media companies censoring his tweets and the danger of fraud with the postal votes.

Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt

Patriotic Weekly Review: David Duke – PWR 101420


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