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Patriotic Weekly Review: No Chance and Kelamety – PWR 102120

No Chance and Kelamety join Mark Collett and No White Guilt for a new episode of Patriotic Weekly Review.

Kelamety and No Chance are both Scottish and Mark highlights the fact it is so White and less densely packed up there.

It is pointed out that refugees can now both vote and stand for election to the SNP, where they are then classed as ‘Scots’.

Many indigenous Scots are disenfranchised from politics, with only 50% voting and believing the SNP will stand up for them, despite the SNP continually calling for more immigration.

The contrast between Kriss Donald and Steven Lawrence is discussed and grooming gang cases in Scotland.

Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt

Patriotic Weekly Review: No Chance and Kelamety – PWR 102120


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