Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at the concept of ‘evil’ and how it can be recognised.
Evil permeates everything around us. Only in tiny pockets of the church can any True Goodness be found. Evil is the taking of image for reality. Appearance is mistaken for essence. We take the appearance for reality because we want to. We want the pleasure of being wealthy and popular, even though we know that it is very difficult, leads to endless problems, and after all, we will soon die no matter how lucky we are in the world.
Knowing evil helps us recognize it when it comes to us under the guise of good. Demons use images, fantasy pictures, to tempt people into sin. Images are not real, though they are taken from parts of reality, put together in a way that is meant to pervert or invert its purpose.
The rule of Antichrist and the False prophet will rely on media for their rule. Evil is the separation of the thing from its true essence, meaning and purpose. It is the taking of a good thing and using it wrongly, for all the wrong reasons. Evil is illusion and deception. Evil is both an ontological and a moral problem.
This broadcast uses the story of Israel's perversion in Numbers 25 as a powerful case study of how evil operates. As Israel was heading for its final destination in Canaan, the Moabites, the manifestation of incest, in a last ditch effort to stop their progress, used its women to alter the thoughts of Israel's military elite. Women were sent into the camp to flatter the men, showing them the time of their lives and all the best that settled civilization had to offer.
This wasn't mere sex, but the use of the female form to radically alter the cognition of Israel. The militant, armed camp of the Exodus wouldn't seem so attractive when compared with the beauty of the female form and its charms. Moses, almost in a panic, had the Israelite offenders executed, showing that the only response to the provoked male sex drive is death, the only thing more powerful.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Evil – TON 102620
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Monday at 4pm EDT/9pm BST.
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