This week we party like it’s episode #99 as The Parish of the Patriots returns to lead the way into a brand new year of the clown. Thank you very much to those who financially support the show, it means more than you know. If you wish to be a part of that, you can find the information below.
While this show does have an overriding Christian theme, normally it is broken down between a general discussion and a Christian specific segment. That line is blurred this week and it can’t be helped, as the discussion is centered around the fact that in clown world, the lie is a religion. As Christian believers we understand that Christ is the truth and no lie is found in Him. As the polar opposite of this, Satan is a liar and a murderer and no truth is found in him.
It is now an undeniable reality that falsehoods and lies are for all practical purposes a religion in this clown world society we are living in and if such is the case then what we are facing is a global antichrist religion. This is important because if you do not understand the nature of the battle you face, then you have no hope for victory.
As pointed out already, the Christian specific segment and the general discussion are more or less merged together this week. Thus as the show marches on we will take a look at Psalms 34. In this psalm we find a message of victory, not defeatism. We must shed the attitude of defeat and the view that this conflict cannot be won.
The Lord is with His people. He does not turn a blind eye to them nor does he turn a deaf ear to their cries. Instead it is the people themselves who have turned away from God and for some reason, find themselves shocked to discover that they are being consumed by evil. As a believer you are not given a spirit of fear and defeatism. The Lord is with His people and victory shall be ours.
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: The Lie is Their Religion – PP 010521
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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