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Radio Albion Roundtable: Covid Camps and Migrant Muppets – RT 011121

Sven Longshanks, Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson and Grandpa Dan convene the Roundtable to discuss 3 different news stories.

Danish children’s tv has a new character whose main attribute is a giant penis that has a life of its own and gets the owner into all sorts of trouble.

This is aimed at four to eight year olds, while just thirty years ago a very similar cartoon was seen as the edgiest humour available for adults.

Sesame Street have some new muppets, Rohingya refugee muppets.

The Rohingya are unwanted refugees in Myanmar, so why is an American company producing propaganda for them?

New York are hoping to get a law passed that could see people locked up for 2 months with no habeus corpus and forcefully medicated, on the authority of anyone they feel like.

This is the fourth time they have tried to get the bill passed on health grounds and now that we have the Covid scare, it could actually be passed.

Presented by Sven Longshanks, Matt Johnson and Grandpa Dan

Radio Albion Roundtable: Covid Camps and Migrant Muppets – RT 011121


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