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Donate to Radio Albion

You can now help Radio Albion directly by helping with the costs. If you like what we do and can afford to contribute, then we do have a crypto wallet where we can accept donations as well as an American address for dollars, cheques and postal orders. 

Sending crypto or cash ensures that you stay anonymous and so do we. 

To send Bitcoin you first need to set up your own Bitcoin wallet. You can do that here:


Download and install the software, then follow the instructions to receive bitcoin. This will give you a string of code which you give to the bitcoin vendor when you buy some bitcoin.

You can buy bitcoin with a Paypal or card account here, or at any of the other exchanges:


At the other exchanges you may get a better exchange rate, but you will also have to scan and upload ID before buying. Dont worry, it would be difficult for them to work out you had sent the cryptocurrency onwards to us after they first send it to your wallet and if you then change it into Monero, it will be impossible for them.

Once you have purchased some bitcoin, the vendor or exchange will send it to your wallet.

Once you have bitcoin in your wallet, you can send some to us. Simply follow the instructions to send. Paste in our bitcoin receive address into the electrum send box and it will send the amount to our wallet.

It is quite simple to set up your own bitcoin wallet, but you don’t even need to do that. If you have an Ebay account then you can buy Bitcoin on there from one of the many people selling it and then just instruct them to send it to our Bitcoin receive address, but it is cheaper to buy from the localbitcoin site.

An almost anonymous way to do do this, is to send Bitcoin to your wallet first and then send it on to ours. But if you want to be even more anonymous, you can set up an Exodus wallet and exchange your bitcoin into Monero with it and send Monero to us instead. Monero is completely anonymous.

Remember to use our Monero address though instead of the Bitcoin one.

You can install an Exodus wallet here, which can receive and send Bitcoin, as well as convert the Bitcoin into many other types of Cryptocurrency such as Monero.

Some other places you can buy bitcoin from are here:




You can even check with us that your donation has been received if you like, by sending an email to stormersubs@hushmail.com or by dropping by the chatroom. 

All you need to ensure it gets to us is our 'receive' address for the correct crypto-currency you are sending. Here are a few for the most popular coins. If you wish to send us another type of coin, just ask us and we will get you a receive address for it.

NEW Radio Albion Bitcoin Receive Address:


We can also now accept Etherium at this address:


We can accept Monero at this address:


We can accept Basic Attention Tokens at this address:


Grandpa Dan

If you wish to send cheques, postal orders or international money bills to Grandpa Dan only, they must be made out to:

Dan Jeffreys

If you wish to send a donation to Radio Albion, a covering note should say 'For RA'

You can also send cash if you wish, just wrap it in foil and paper first so it cant be seen through the envelope and please make sure it is in dollars.

They can all be sent to Grandpa Dan's PO Box here:

Box Holder
PO Box 6621
Granbury, Tx. 76049

Mark Collett

To donate to Mark Collett only, you can send superchats with a credit card on Entropy HERE

We thank you for your support

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