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Patriotic Weekly Review: The Golden One – PWR 020321

The Golden One joins Mark Collett and No White Guilt for a new episode of Patriotic Weekly Review.

Marcus explains that Sweden is starting to see more critics of multiculturalism and there have been recent deplatformings.

He talks about training at home during the lockdown and suggests discipline is the hardest factor with being in the home surroundings.

Alternative social media sites are discussed before some conversation about being a father.

Marcus suggests a lot of the votes we are seeing on newspaper sites and youtube are being put there by bots.

He thinks the Covid lockdown has given people a reason to feel a sense of unity as they seek to make up for a lack of religion and identity.

Luxury has deceived us into forgetting the struggle and hedonism will not bring satisfaction.

Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt

Patriotic Weekly Review: The Golden One – PWR 020321


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