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Patriotic Weekly Review: Horus – PWR 022421

Horus joins Mark Collett and No White Guilt for a new episode of Patriotic Weekly Review.

Mark talks about Way of the World being banned from Youtube and the rise of new platform Odysee.

Horus talks about how the Conservative Party are only there to prevent genuine conservatism from being heard.

At one time the Conservatives were preventing the homosexual indoctrination of school children, but now they are the ones pushing for it.

They also claim to be against immigration, but as soon as the election is over they invite half of Hong Kong to emigrate.

People think they are there to conserve tradition, but all they conserve are left wing positions put in place by the previous government.

Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt

Patriotic Weekly Review: Horus – PWR 022421


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