Grandpa Dan looks at the Asian massage parlor shooting before expanding on the commandment to not commit adultery.
Another action packed installment of The Parish of the Patriots returns once again to tackle the uncomfortable truths in the world around us from a perspective that is beyond politically incorrect. This show is supported by those brave few who offer their voluntary financial support. If you wish to be a part of that, it’s easy! You can find the information at the bottom of this page.
This past week, the big story is the alleged shooting at Asian massage parlors. From the get-go there are things here that don’t pass the smell test. However for the purpose of today’s discussion, we will tackle the topic of mentally unstable people in a society that is in itself unstable.
You are always going to have people who are more mentally fragile than others and when society itself goes insane and pressure is applied to them, tragedy occurs. If we assume everything about this story is true (which it is almost guaranteed not to be), how might such tragic events be avoided? Why are these mentally unstable people ignored by society until they explode?
Our society exploits the mentally unstable in order to promote an anti-White narrative. It may very well be that had he been exposed to this show and the other content at Radio Albion, he may not have gone over the edge due to him having a much better understanding of the world around him.
In the Christian specific segment we’ll be tackling the topics of adultery and fornication. At the behest of a listener supporter we will look at fornication but to do that, we must first come to a better understanding of the original context of these terms.
One would do well to remember that terms such as adultery and fornication as they are applied today do not carry the same meaning as when they were presented in times of old. To understand God’s message, we must go back and understand what the terms meant in the context of the (NOT insane) society that the people lived in at that time.
If this is your first time finding this show, you are going to discover things being discussed from a perspective that you won’t find anywhere else. This show focuses not simply on Christianity and society as a whole, but on how you can apply God’s guidelines to your life today. This show is about giving you real directions and real answers to the things that you are dealing with in your life on a day to day basis. Remember, you only have control over yourself. However, if enough people collectively reject the wickedness of this world and improve themselves, then society itself cannot help but to change in a positive manner.
If you are swimming against the current, of course it is going to be difficult. That’s how you know you are headed in the right direction.
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: Half-staff Flags for Handjob Hos – PP 032321
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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