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Real Britannia: Prince Harry and the Monarchy – RB 030821

Sven Longshanks and Max Musson discuss Prince Harry’s royal split and Enoch Powell’s support for nuclear disarmament.

Prince Harry has been left without a proper purpose, as a royal three generations down the line with practically no prospects of ever being King.

What is the role for a Royal who will never be Monarch in a constitutional monarchy and what was their role in the past?

Powell was against Britain having nuclear weapons, as there was no need for them when the enemy was Russia and they were balanced by America.

He thought it more important we concentrated on defending the indigenous British from the conflicts that arise from multiculturalism, particularly the race riots that were now taking place all over the country.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson

Real Britannia: Prince Harry and the Monarchy – RB 030821


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