Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson explains what ‘loving our enemies’ means and how it should be applied.
Christianity has always believed in the judicious and lawful use of violence. These are forms of love. Christian empires are based on it and violence is found throughout the Old and New Testaments.
"Non resistance to evil" is a heresy because it promotes the toleration and acceptance of evil. Our whole existence is based on our resistance to sin. Violence is necessary in a world drowning in evil, but it must be used for the right reason, have the correct target and be informed by the proper disposition of soul.
Those piously promoting the facile "love your enemies" mentality are justifying their own cowardice and uncertainty. Love isn't synonymous with indulgence.
Presented by Matt Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Confronting the Heresy of ‘Christian Pacifism’ – TON 031021
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