Grandpa Dan looks at how outrage mobs work hand in glove with the oligarchs and multi-national corporations.
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One of the lame memes being pushed today is that big corporations are somehow being bullied by the outrage mobs on social media into promoting the anti white race hating agenda. You can see this narrative being pushed on all sides.
The outrage mobs claim to have the power to force corporations to do what they want, while conservatives confirm this by claiming they are only going along with it because they are cowards and are “giving in” to the cancel culture mob. This is a lie. Corporations are an extension of the oligarchy and the outrage mobs are allowed to function because they serve a purpose for the oligarchy.
The corporations (and by extension the oligarchy) are doing what they do because this is what they wish to do. If the outrage mob ceased to be useful to the oligarchy, they would be demonized tomorrow by the very same media voices who are amplifying them today. In the end: what the oligarchy wants, the oligarchy gets.
In our Christian specific segment we will be discussing fornication in the modern Christian church. We have previously discussed it in the context of an act between individual people and now we will look at fornication when applied to the church. The question isn’t whether the Christian church has committed fornication or not but rather who the Christian church has not committed fornication with.
Bible reference this week will be: Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 2:13-16
Be true to yourself, hold to that which you believe and do not feel shame or embarrassment for the truth.
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: What the Oligarchy Wants it Gets – PP 040621
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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