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Parish of the Patriots: Conservatives Should Wear the Damned Wig! – PP 060121

Grandpa Dan checks out the mailbag and offers his observations on the deadly new variants of the doom flu.

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We are now seeing active attempts to wrangle people back into the fake ideology of conservatism. While a certain segment of the population are still hung up on the Q plan that never actually materializes, the rest are pretty much completely disillusioned with the obviously fake system we are living under.

These people are being reeled back in with “Muh conservative principles”. Yet like white soopremacy, nobody can actually explain what these conservative principles are or how they differ in any meaningful way from the principles of team D.

In our sermon this week, a reader inquires about Romans 12:14 and we will answer that by covering the larger context of Romans 12: 9-21. When we are instructed to “bless and not curse”, we are not being instructed to be fake and gay. As we look at the larger context we see that Paul is simply laying out some guidelines as to how to conduct ourselves in our day to day lives as Christian believers.

Do not be overcome by evil but instead overcome evil with good.

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Presented by Grandpa Dan

Parish of the Patriots: Conservatives Should Wear the Damned Wig! – PP 060121


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