Sven Longshanks and Max Musson look at news effecting Britain, before continuing the presentation on socialism.
Homosexuals have now had all restrictions on them giving blood lifted, in the same week that we hear that 75% of a school for haemophiliacs were killed off due to them catching AIDS and Hepatitis from contaminated blood.
Matt Hancock is in trouble for breaking social distancing guidelines by kissing one of his advisors, but she worked in the same office as him anyway.
British school children are being taught to sing the ‘One Nation’ song, which is not about one nation but a one world order that pretends nations dont exist.
The quotes from Blatchford’s Merrie England look at the factory system and the importance of being surrounded by nature and beauty.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson
Real Britannia: Beauty and the Factory System – RB 062921
Real Britannia will be back on Radio Albion Monday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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