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The Daily Nationalist: Gender Neutral Means Gender Confusion – DN 062121

Sven Longshanks looks at Stonewall’s guidance to schools banning the use of ‘boy and girl’

Stonewall is funded by the government to prevent bullying in schools, but what they are really doing is encouraging gender dysphoria among children.

Children need to be taught all the great things their gender can do that the other gender cant, if you want them to be happy with who they are.

Banning the use of gendered words and other drives towards gender neutrality is one of the biggest drivers behind the gender dysphoria epidemic, we should be outlawing gender neutrality not encouraging it if we want to reduce the number of people with this dysphoric condition.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: Gender Neutral Means Gender Confusion – DN 062121


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