Grandpa Dan wonders what modern America really stands for and highlights a bad loser mentality at the Olympics.
You would be hard pressed to find more thought provoking discussion crammed into an hour than you’ll find here at The Parish of the Patriots. This congregation is supported by you the parishioners and if you wish to be a part of that, you can find that information at the bottom of this page.
In the days of the Old Testament people were instructed how to determine whether or not a person was a false prophet. The test was very simple: if what they predicted came to pass, then they were a true prophet, if not then they were a false prophet and were to be punished accordingly.
We are surrounded today by false prophets and we know this based solely on results. Whether it be the claim that “If we bless (read sacrifice our blood and treasure for) the modern nation state of Israel, God will bless us” or that “Diversity is our strength” these are essentially prophecies.
However if we apply the biblical litmus test and look at the results, we find that these are obviously false prophecies proclaimed by false prophets. America is not getting more blessings and diversity is not making us stronger. However instead of these false prophets being rejected out of hand, they simply move on to the next lie that they promote.
In the sermon this week, we’ll be looking at things that tend to get lost in translation. In the book of James, we are warned about “lusts”. However in our collapsing society, the term lust is for the most part exclusively applied to those things of a sexual nature.
However this is not what is being referred to by James. You can be living the sexual lifestyle of a monk and still be consumed with lusts. This week we’ll break this down and look at what it means and most importantly, how to cleanse our lives of this.
Bible reference will be James 4:1-8
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
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Presented by Sven Longshanks
Parish of the Patriots: Show Me the Results! – PP 073121
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