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Patriotic Weekly Review: Natty and Harry’s Survival Special – PWR 081821

Mark Collett and Jason Kohne are joined by Harry and Natty for a new episode of Patriotic Weekly Review.

Tonight’s podcast is dedicated to prepping and survival, with two experts, Natty and Harry.

Harry will be speaking later this year at a conference on the subject and Natty has just come back from organising a yacht trip.

The Covid shortages appear to have encouraged people to look into how they would survive if the modern world fell apart and the preppers are increasing.

The importance of a good diet is stressed and some of the ways this can be achieved.

Harry gets into the way our diet changed after the war and how this led to novel diseases and obesity.

Presented by Mark Collett and Jason Kohne

Patriotic Weekly Review: Natty and Harry’s Survival Special – PWR 081821


Patriotic Weekly Review will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 2pm EDT/7pm BST.
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