Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson look at attempts to hold the Sacklers to account for the US opioid crisis.
Purdue Pharma the company behind OxyContin have settled for less than half of the profits they made in ten years and have been granted life-time immunity from further lawsuits.
They failed to pay any compensation and destroyed the records showing their complicity, before being caught hiding the proceeds.
They claimed their product was non-addictive, while conveniently neglecting to mention that it would still produce dependency.
Johnson and Johnson has also been fined for deceptive advertising of opioids.
Parallel to the promotion of legal opioids in the US, In Afghanistan production of heroin was ramped up to take advantage of the Oxycontin addicts once their legal supply was cut off.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Daily Nationalist: The OxyContin Scandal – DN 090221
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