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Parish of the Patriots: The Value of a Good Name – PP 101221

Grandpa Dan looks at medical vaccine apartheid and the importance of living an upright life.

The Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussions as well as a unique Christian specific message and you like what you hear, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to take part in that, you can find out how at the bottom of this page.

If clown world were a vehicle, lies would be the fuel and total control the ultimate destination. While we are inundated with constant old and new lies, the overall objective remains the same: total control.

Of course they can’t tell us that so they have to lie and give us reasons that even a casual analysis can quickly pull apart. A perfect example of this is the current news that some hospitals are now refusing to perform life saving organ transplants if the patient does not first have the covid vaccine.

It’s a pretty safe assumption that if your condition is so dire that you need an organ transplant, then you are likely to die without it. Yet these poor people are being sentenced to an almost certain death if they refuse to take a vaccine whose purpose we are told is to prevent a less than 1% chance of death.

The facade of freedom and rights is now in tatters and we are left with the reality of tyranny that will inevitably become more and more brutal.

In the Christian specific segment this week, we’ll be talking about the value of a good name. What does it mean to have a good name? Obviously it does not mean the name that was put on your birth certificate has a nice ring to it. No, in this case your name relies on how you are known to live your life.

For instance, your given name may be “Bob” but if you have spent your life stealing, you’ll just be known as “that thief”. Your name is that of a thief because your actions are that of stealing. Thus one who has a good name is one who seeks truth, wisdom, understanding, justice and uprightness.

Bible reference will be Ecclesiastes 7:1-10 and Ecclesiastes 6:3-4

A good name is better than precious ointment….”

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Presented by Grandpa Dan

Parish of the Patriots: The Value of a Good Name – PP 101221


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