Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson look at Dr Mercola’s description of what ‘the great reset’ actually entails.
You will own nothing an be happy is the tagline and what it means is everything owned by corporations and you renting it out, so there will be no private property just like Communism.
Shareholder capitalism will be changed to stakeholder capitalism, which demotes national government into just being one stakeholder of many, including NGOs, big finance and corporations.
They are not announcing that they are going to do this, but that they have already done so and that this is where the global diktats are coming from such as forcing unwanted policies like mass vaccination on every country that is a part of the club.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Daily Nationalist: Investigating the Great Reset – DN 102121
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