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The Daily Nationalist: Worst Unisex Bathroom Fear Comes True – DN 101321

Sven Longshanks looks at the scandalous portrayal of a rape victim’s father as a transphobic bigot.

The school failed to inform the police of the rape and the rapist went on to attack another girl at another school.

The father tried to warn other parents about what had happened at a schoolboard meeting and the police were called to silence him.

The school were claiming no assaults had occurred in their unisex bathrooms, because the attacker was bisexual and not trans.

The father was then used as an excuse to label concerned parents as ‘domestic terrorists’ and have the PATRIOT Act used against them.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: Worst Unisex Bathroom Fear Comes True – DN 101321


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