Sven Longshanks and Max Musson discuss Omicron, woke public schools and Captain Scott’s arrival in the Antarctic.
Omicron is the name of the latest Covid variant, which is more infectious, but less harmful that previous variants.
You would think viruses would evolve to be completely harmless, as that way they would infect the maximum number of people and stay alive themselves.
The American School in London has been setting up race based clubs, dividing groups of children into oppressors and oppressed.
Captain Scott had one piece of bad luck after another, from the motor sledge falling through the ice, to ponies floating away on ice floes and dogs falling over a crevasse.
Despite the hardships, the men remained in good spirits and were chivalrous to their competitors.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson
Real Britannia: Ominous Omicron – RB 112921
Real Britannia will be back on Radio Albion Monday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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