Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at the inherent weakness in Islam that led to the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
This broadcast is taken from Dr Johnson's paper, “Islam, the Jews and the Balkan Oligarchs: The Cruel Farce of the Ottoman Empire and the Foundations of Islamic Warfare.”
It's thesis is that Islam, as an unnatural outgrowth of an unstable prophet, early financial exploitation and an alliance with Jewish power, created an equally unnatural political system.
Islam is based on the Islamic state, not on any “church” structure. The state is Islam and Islam is the state's constitution. The consistent alliance with Judaism and the blood tax – the jizya – were the undoing of the system.
This irrational foundation created the Ottoman state and soon led to its downfall before World War I. Islam is a hybrid of conflicting elements and financial self-interest, and, unsurprisingly, created an oligarchic ruling class that destroyed it.
Presented by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Islamic Political Mentality – TON 111721
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Monday at 4pm EDT/9pm BST.
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