04/04/23 Update: Ten social commentary podcasts from 2017 - 2019 were found by a jury to be abusive or insulting towards minority groups. In light of that decision, all social commentary podcasts up to the start of 2020 have been removed from the website, along with some of the more controversial audiobooks. The history podcasts that were made before 2020 remain, along with the social commentary podcasts from 2020 onwards. It is hoped that everything on the website is now within the law. If anyone finds content they think may break the UK incitement to hate laws, please contact us in the chatroom with the URL of the offending page so that it may be attended to, or alternatively please email 'stormersubs@hushmail.com' with the details.
This question was put to Radio Albion listeners by Sven Longshanks:
‘I am wanting to hear from Radio Albion listeners as an accusation has been made against me that what I say is likely to stir up hate, so I would like to hear from our listeners how Radio Albion makes you feel, why you listen and especially if you have been inspired to take any action. Especially good is if you have been listening since the Radio Aryan days and can comment on any changes you may have noticed over the years’
This was the response:
Radio Albion is a daily reminder that political dissidents are intelligent people who like to use their minds, not their fists
Radio Albion produces in-depth political and historical content that focuses on the well-being and survival of all ethnic and religious groups, with a particular focus on the native British and European peoples. It's hard to imagine how anyone could object to such an intellectually reasonable, tolerant and inclusive station as Radio Albion, which stands out as a beacon of light in an otherwise increasingly dark and inhospitable world.
Anon 1
Radio Albion has been a source of finding new music and participating in the communities I share many ideas and attitudes in common with, and the only action it has inspired me to do personally is associate with these communities and discuss subjects such as history and philosophy and refine my understanding of the world, and share my own artwork with them as I refine it as well, with Radio Albion giving me new ideas frequently due its (ironically) diverse selection. Nothing violent or hateful in any regard has ever been inspired within me, nor encouraged by the shows in all my listening for the past two years.
Anon 2
I'm not sure if I can give an anonymous reason as to why I like listening but basically it's because I enjoy learning about the history of my people & country as well as geo politics... & I like to hear all angles so I read main stream news & research & come to my own conclusions. I feel that increasingly main stream news & media does not represent my people or cover the topics that I want to hear about.
I have an interest in politics and current affairs and listen to lots of media platforms of varied political persuasion. The occasions that I have listened to Radio Albion, I have found the programmes with Sven and his guests to have polite, respectful conversations about the subject matter. Although I don't agree with all of the views expressed in the conversations, I have found them in no way to be hateful of other people or groups of people and instead feel that kind, positive and thoughtful political ideas are put forward.
Following the programmes I have heard on the radio station, I feel more informed to talk to friends about these subjects and also about other historical facts and interesting pieces that are discussed.
I love to stay tuned in to Radio Albion as it helps me to stay grounded in clown world. Every day seems to spiral down further and faster. Listening to yourself and Grandpa Dan really bring me a sense of peace and community; albeit online. It's nice to know I'm not going crazy. Also it's great to be educated by you all since you have so much more experience with all the things we nationalists know to be true.
I’ve been listening to RA regularly since the old Radio Aryan days. When I discovered Radio Albion, it was like discovering a light in the black. Here was a site where I could hear alternative discussions from commentators who were truly ‘speaking truth to power’. Radio Albion presented to me a welcome and challenging alternative to the programmatic and ‘dumbed-down’ information churned out by the mainstream media. In addition, as a former ‘academic’, it continues to be refreshing to hear received wisdom being questioned in an intellectual and fact-based manner, blessedly free of the negative left-wing narratives so virulently present in our politics, culture and media. Radio Albion has grown to be the hub of a growing, and positively motivated community, made up of people who are justly proud of their European identity without harbouring or projecting negative feelings or thoughts about other groups or communities. In short, I appreciate the wide range of topical content, the critical, balanced analysis of pressing national and international questions, and the fact that in Radio Albion, I have found a place where, as a nationalist, I came to realise that my beliefs were not singular to me.
I'm a white American female in my later 30s. I've always been interested in promoting my race - the same way that I have, since childhood, always seen other ethnicities promote theirs. I am proud of my ancestry, my people, my shared history. I thought I was alone in this, or that the "community" was so small and so dispersed that it would be impossible to connect with anyone else who felt like I did. The only ones I ever knew about were the ones who were genuinely hateful of others, and violent towards them. I ventured briefly towards this group some years ago, but was so put off not only by their mindless anger, but also by their utter lack of self-pride and unawareness of their heritage.
By pure happenstance I encountered Radio Albion, and have discovered a thriving community of people who love and promote our people. Quite the opposite from promoting violence, the sensible voices from Radio Albion direct the passions inward, toward self-reflection and betterment - physically, intellectually, and spiritually. This has been so endearing and inspiring to me, the wholesome, uplifting, intelligent programs on Radio Albion. I have listened to 1-3 programs almost daily for the past year and a half, and dearly love this resource, this sense of community. I have learned so much - the historical programs are a special favorite - and I value it enormously. The overwhelming message is that no matter who your people are, it is good to be invested with them, and with their continued improvement.
Thank you for what you do, for what must be a daily mountain of work. It is a voice in the metaphorical darkness, and I am genuinely grieved that you should be receiving trouble for it.
I´ve recently discovered your website through Andrew Carrington Hitchcock´s Radio Show.
Since I´m really hesitant to use cryptocurrency, I would like to show my appreciation for your work by responding to your listener request.
I enjoy listening to Radio Albion because yours is a voice of truth and sanity in a perverted upside down and anti-natural Clownworld governed by lies.
Recently, I have been listening to your TWOR Archive with Dennis Wise. The knowledge you both share and the humour you both bring with it are simply magnificent.
Good luck in court and keep wearing that brilliant mask!
I am writing this e-mail per your request on one of you're latest DN episodes. I began listening while your domain name was Radio Aryan. I still listen daily on my commute to and from work.
How does Radio Albion make me feel?
I feel like I am understood when I hear another man speak of the issues I feel need to have more public exposure. I feel less isolated and alone to know that in fact there is a whole community of people who think the way I do. I am generally in higher spirits when listening to Radio Albion and similar content.
Why do I listen?
I listen because outside of my small group of white male friends, I do not wish to have such conversations for fear of social ostracism. Loss of employment or violent assaults for my completely natural point of view. It is a convenient and safe place to hear other people's point of view without exposing myself to dangerous and confrontational people.
How have I been motivated to take action since listening to Radio Albion?
I have been motivated to be kind to people of all races. To understand that the people being pushed on nations of European descent are doing what is in the best interests of their people. I have been motivated to raise my children in a way that does not leave them feeling guilty for the color of their skin. I also teach them that it's perfectly normal to do what is best for their people. I have been motivated to keep a tight group of like minded men in my life for support. My personal happiness and emotional well being has been positively impacted from your content. A general sense of optimism has come over me in the past years due to your content and similar content from other sources.
Thank you sir, for your efforts to shake our people from their shame. I for one will have a much more full life knowing men like you and men of good moral character are standing up for our people.
I hope this message compels you to continue your work
I listen to a variety of podcasts from a variety of political and cultural perspectives,
and will say the same about any nationalist broadcast based in information and opinion sharing.
The kind of action RA inspires can be seen within the growing PA community.
PA activities are seen as 'hateful' only by the anti-white political elements that make RA and PA
necessary in the first place.
RA serves Brits and international listeners well with common sense and well-structured presentation
and has no doubt not only fostered good feelings among its listeners, but in the current cultural climate it has no doubt kept many from despair.
Keep up the good work, Sven!
I saw your video last night about what you're going through with that lawsuit. I just want you to know of the positive impact youve had on my life.
I was an angry young man but you showed me, and people i've shared your material with, that the only way forward for Nationalists is to rise above hatred and anger. Your shows have taught me to appreciate the beauty, rather than focus on the darkness. I now look for opportunities to help people in everyday life so that I can exemplify the positive western traits of my ancestors.
Always remember that anyone who listens to your work will attest to the net-positive you have on the world.
Sven Longshanks is a national treasure. In a just and rational Britain, he would have his own current affairs program on Radio 4 and a music program on Radio 1.
Mr. Longshanks is an especially charming, knowledgeable and engaging broadcast personality. The programs he presents on Radio Albion (and formerly on Radio Aryan) are informative, entertaining, uplifting and challenging.
Radio Albion is "radio with a brain" for people with brains who wish to have them stimulated by free-wheeling discussions on subjects as varied (and controversial) as race, religion, history, anthropology, politics and science. Those discussions are always couched in empathy. In fact, I have never heard Mr. Longshanks speak in any manner that could be described as hateful.
I have listened to Radio Albion for several years. Mr. Longshanks has broadened my intellectual horizons and encouraged me to lead a healthier life.
Any attempt to smear the reputation of Sven Longshanks or to silence this gifted communicator would be a travesty of justice.
Length of time listening to your radio station
It was in late 2017 or early 2018 that I first began listening to Radio Albion (then Radio Aryan). My political consciousness had been developed in 2016 & 2017 by the historical-conspiracy media (Myth of the 20th Century, Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill, etc.) rather than the racialist-advocacy media being produced at the time. I was never a follower of the Daily Stormer, TRS, or the numerous other similar organizations. Rather, I found RA through Matthew Raphael Johnson’s work; after listening to episodes from his Voice of Reason archive, I discovered that he was producing new episodes with you. My experience with RA therefore goes back almost four years. During that time I have witnessed increasing professionalization and increasing standardization. Radio Albion has established itself as a totally independent platform which has a different message from similar or competing White advocates.
Opinion of the situation
It is a perverse fact that you have been charged under these laws prohibiting the incitement of racial hatred. Having listened to more than two hundred hours of podcasts on which you have appeared, I must acknowledge that you are one of the most level-headed and consistent advocates on the internet for White people and the indigenous British. Nor is your advocacy restricted to our racial group. You are always quick to point out that the policies you promote would be just as good for members of the other racial groups. Your approach must be recognized as fundamentally conscientious and even “humanitarian.” This is in sharp contrast to the policies of Western state governments and their institutions of higher education; they inflict a “Mark of Cain” on their White citizens, attributing a false character and a false history to them which encourages hatred of Whites by Jews, Muslims, Africans, and other groups.
Personal impact
Personally I can say that without Radio Albion, I would be: much more ignorant of the history of the European peoples, I would be much more ignorant of current events, and I would be more influenced by neoconservative & neoliberal warmongering propaganda. More importantly, the worldview of White dissident politics influenced my wife and I to start a family. Some of our people never get married or have children due to the oppressive propaganda we’ve been attacked with. We currently have one child and another due in January. You & Radio Albion are partly responsible for this. These are the fruits of love. Our ideological antagonists, who have brought a campaign for these charges against you, subsist entirely on a politics of class conflict and racial chaos. If anything is to be called “incitement to racial hatred,” it is them and not yourself.
I have been listening to Radio Albion (formerly Radio Aryan) for about 3 years. Since listening to this station, it has given me something to look forward to i.e., the podcasts on European history, Dr Raphael Johnsons intellectual talk on different topics, your Dailly podcasts on what's going on today, and Grandpa Dan's Bible readings. All of which has made me more aware of white European history and culture,and given me confidence in my own life. I now feel part of something good. Thanks to You Sven, and all at Radio Albion.
As a longtime listener to Radio Albion, RA's podcasts are a valuable resource, while RA's podcasts are of primary import to British folk, the current events covered are more broadly focused. Radio Albion has evolved greatly from it's previous iteration, Radio Aryan. The content & guests now have become vastly more genteel. Currently, my favorite podcasts are The Daily Nationalist, Patriotic History & Real Britannia. Sven has done an outstanding job of cultivating the content at RA and over time, being highly selective about the various guests on the podcasts. The history aspects of RA are superb, recent history, ancient history & Christian history. RA has not induced me to take any action, other than to further delve into ancient & Christian history.
Long-time listener, first-time reaching out. You asked for feedback on Radio Albion, so I am offering my response.
I have enjoyed Radio Aryan and Radio Albion for the past several years. The shows are always excellent and informative. The site and the quality of the shows have only improved over the years.
As for any incitement to bad behavior, this is simply ridiculous. Anyone who alleges something like that must have their own evil intentions in mind.
I have especially enjoyed the recent Patriotic History broadcasts. I share the same religious understanding as you, so the information presented is very useful. These shows are valuable for sharing with those who are coming to an understanding of our place in history and what is the significance of current events.
But I appreciate all of the Radio Albion broadcasts and am especially inspired by Patriotic Alternative and Mark Collett. I do a bit of podcasting myself. We had Mark Collett on our show **** sometime ago and he was terrific.
My family and I enjoy your music program, Audio Insurgency. I am a long time RAC fan and my youngest son loves the fash-wave. It's great that you include a broad range of music styles. Apparently, diversity is our strength. Ha, ha!
I hope this short note will be encouraging to you and you will continue your important work for many years to come.
A statement designed to be spoken in court in support of Sven Longshanks and Radio Albion.
I am a regular long time listener of Radio Albion, a radio channel concerned with the discussion of ethno-nationalist topics in general, and the advocacy of the rights of ethnic British people and Europeans in particular.
The court might be surprised to learn that not all listeners to this channel consider themselves to be ethnic whites or even supporters of white nationalism, or even on the “extreme right” of the political spectrum. I am personally a mixed race individual who does not consider himself a member of any white nation or ethnic group. I do not specifically have any strongly held right wing opinions nor do I subscribe to any right wing extremist ideology. My reasons for listening to this radio channel’s podcasts are purely academic and intellectual, because I strongly believe that the channel regularly puts out content of cultural and intellectual significance.
I am writing this letter in support of Sven Longshanks and Radio Albion not because I endorse his political beliefs or because I share his views. I am making this statement firmly for the sake of the fundamental human right of the freedom of expression that underscores the legal doctrine of any civilized state that considers itself dedicated to the ideals of human liberty and democracy.
It is true that many of the opinions and position expressed on Radio Albion might be considered highly controversial for members of the jury and the legal team tasked with overseeing this case. Indeed Radio Albion regularly expresses viewpoints which apparently run contrary to established public opinion, and would be thus considered “erroneous” by the overwhelming majority of the people.
I would like to ask the court a question. Does there exist a law in Britain, or any civilized country for that matter, that considers it a criminal offense to express beliefs and opinions deemed erroneous by whatever is considered to be the ideological mainstream of society? Is it a criminal offense to form an opinion upon the good faith and moral conscience of every individual based on the information available to him or her, that the court has predetermined to be in the wrong?
The prosecution may argue in response that the beliefs and opinions expressed on Radio Albion might somehow instigate certain individuals to conduct civil offenses such as hate crime attacks and violent acts against civilians. If so, then the case for that is paper thin. The burden of proof would lie on the court to determine that this is the case in contravention of the fact that Radio Albion not only expressly condemns any sort of violent or illicit activities on the very front page of their website, but also that Sven, on repeated occasions, has disavowed breaking the civil law in any shape, way or form and issued harsh condemnation of those in his prospective audience who find it acceptable to engage in such activities. Examples of this would not be so hard to find, the chief of them being the multi part podcast “What is Nationalism” where the owner of the site expresses the intellectual justifications for his stated positions in a manner directed towards the general public, not just those on the far right spectrum.
Another objection might be raised that the beliefs and opinions expressed by the web source maintained by the defendant engender negative opinions towards ethnic minorities or other disenfranchised groups in society. In fact any interested party would be hard pressed to find a single instance of any content or podcast on Radio Albion that explicitly advocates any form of irrational hatred or legal discrimination against any such group or identity in society. This is because such a thing would run contrary with the express goals of Radio Albion, which, as stated on many occasions, is not to promote hatred towards any ethnic group or identity, but to instead to foster a positive attitude towards one’s British roots, identity and heritage, the focus of which takes up the overwhelming majority of podcasts and lectures hosted therein.
The final charge laid against Radio Albion is that it features frank and open discussion of certain subjects in a manner that could be deemed offensive to persons belonging to the Jewish religion or ethnic heritage. However I would like to remind the court and the jury that Britain is a secular country, or at least one that follows the principles of secularism in determining whether critique of a particular religion falls within the lawful limits of acceptable speech. To make an exception to this rule for a certain religious group, whichever it may be, would be to resurrect the legal categories of blasphemy or heresy within the context of a particular religious world view, which are no longer legal definitions of a crime in any modern Western democratic culture. Furthermore the programs on Radio Albion that deal with this subject matter regularly resort to citing the arguments of a wide variety of Jewish and Israeli authors and academics. To impute an expressly anti-Jewish attitude on the content hosted on Radio Albion in the way that the prosecution is insinuating, would be to completely disregard the specific contexts under which the subject of Jewish identity is raised.
The prosecution would like the court to believe that the prospective audience of Radio Albion are socially maladjusted individuals who are somehow “radicalized” from the programs hosted therein to engage in activities deemed socially undesirable or hateful towards other groups. It should be admitted that it is indeed the case that Radio Albion offers recommendations for behaviors that it would like its prospective listeners to engage in. If so, let us direct our attention to what exactly these recommended activities entail.
Radio Albion advocates reading books and other first hand sources detailing English and European culture, history, art, poetry and literature, visiting museums and participating in cultural gatherings and activities. This is in opposition to sitting in internet chat rooms, image boards or social media platforms, which have been demonstrated on multiple occasions to be far more potent at radicalizing perpetrators of violent extremist acts.
Radio Albion advocates maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a healthy diet, and devoting time to exercise and the outdoors.
Radio Albion advocates learning a useful trade or profession to partake in the local economy.
Radio Albion advocates forming friendships, fostering personal relationships with your national compatriots and starting a family. Research has shown that an active social life could play a strong deterrent against political extremism. How many terrorists in the past 20 years have been healthy, married persons who raised a family and actively participated in their community?
Radio Albion advocates volunteering for local charity enterprises, helping the elderly, cleaning the streets of your local town from garbage, helping the local homeless and sick, obeying the law, while avoiding drugs, video game addictions, pornography, violent gangs and other socially harmful activities.
Most importantly Radio Albion seeks to direct its listeners away from hateful attitudes and perspectives, but instead build an understanding of how European cultures and societies came about and the culturally important task of preserving them.
The above 6 points detail the recommended course to take in life for young British men and women. Which one of these activities would lead to hate crimes or illegal activities? Which one of them would promote hatred against any ethnic group? The stated social mission of Radio Albion is not to radicalize anyone, but on the contrary to moderate the views of right wing youth and direct them towards leading a normal, healthy, law abiding and responsible lifestyle. I have no doubt that it is to the great personal distress of Mr. Longshanks that he is being now accused in a court of law of doing the exact opposite of what he’s trying to accomplish. It is my fervent belief that the defendant, instead of being brought to a trial, should be commended for his social activism focused towards the best interests of British society!
As a conclusive argument, I would like to make an appeal to history. How many times has it been in global history in general and British history in specific that persons underwent legal persecution for their stated beliefs? Can the court name a single case where such persecution was ultimately validated by subsequent events and judgments of historians and scholars of law? The trial and execution of Thomas More, the waves of persecution directed against Catholics, Puritans, Levellers, Quakers and finally the vicious legal campaigns undertaken against the suffragette, labor and anti-war movements are but some examples in a long list of iniquities conducted by the courts in the name of public safety. All of these people and their ideas, at some point represented a way of thinking that stood at odds with the established mainstream opinion in a way that was considered outrageous at the time. Are we so arrogant to believe that we know the absolute truth and can tell right from wrong better than our predecessors throughout every period of history? I beseech the members of the court and the jury to think of 30-40 years in the future. How will this trial be viewed upon then? Would it be deemed a victory for justice when a man was branded a criminal and had his life’s work destroyed for expressing his opinions, or would they see it as another episode in the sad and disgraceful history of ideological conformity imposed by the state authorities?
I have been a listener to your radio shows for many years, all the way back to Radio Aryan. It was one of the first stations I came across when I started to take an interest in nationalist issues. I appreciate the breadth of subjects covered from current news stories to ancient history.
My understanding of these issues has been built up over many years of reading and researching. For this reason listening to main stream news and opinion can be very frustrating as they completely ignore facts and information that does not fit the main stream narrative. Radio Albion and other podcasts provide balance and give voice to people who see the world from a different, more alternative perspective.
Over the years the radio shows I've followed closely on Radio Albion have consistently advocated for peaceful and reasonable action to help promote the nationalist cause. They do not use offensive language or promote 'hate' despite covering difficult issues that the mainstream shy away from. Radio Albion and other such shows have encouraged me to get involved in political campaigning including local elections and leafleting my community.
Radio Albion continues to get more professional and provides an excellent platform for nationalist discussion. There are clear guidelines provided prominently on the website that encourage debate while remaining respectful.
I would also add that many of the shows have a spiritual dimension that is very uplifting and encourages people to be the best they can be in the finest tradition of Christian teaching.
Thank you Sven for your selfless work
Just a short note to tell you how much I enjoy Radio Albion. Your daily show, Dr Duke and Dr Slattery shows are the highlight of my day. I listen daily and would be lost without them. I wish these shows were on at the weekend as opposed to repeats. Radio Albion is essential to me because the rest of the media is so awful. It saddens me to hear that there is a court case as I can only guess that it is another disgraceful case of deplatforming. Why should I be denied relevant entertainment. I hope Radio Albion continues from strength to strength as it provides a voice for opinions shared by many people. Keep up the good work.
Sven, . My English side of the family was called *****. I did not know any English history until I started listening to your show. I have learned many great stories and important historical facts to tell my child. It breaks my heart that you are in some sort of trouble.
I listen regularly to PWR on radio albion.In a time of increasing Internet censorship platforms such as radio albion are essential especially for those not wishing to use social media giants and the baggage that comes with them…
The main reason I hear Radio Albion every day, and before this Radio Aryan - preferred name - nearly from the beginning, because it confirms that there still exist sane people on this planet. Secondly it urges me to socialize with like minded nationalists to discuss the topics that the variety of Radio Albion podcasts provide.
I hope this message finds you well, I tend to never comment on any platform but considering your request I feel inclined. Sadly I must admit that I am actually quite new to your work and site, discovering Radio Albion but a few days after your first video in the patriotic history series. Quite by chance but I am very glad for it, I find these topics fascinating and much appreciate the work you are doing.
Although I have only recently discovered Radio Albion I have however listened to some of your older work on the site. I do not believe that there has been some change in your behavior or attitude from what I can tell with my somewhat lacking experience. I do not think your work on these topics is somehow promoting hate. They are simply facts from history. But stories can invoke much emotion from people, history even more so as these stories are based in truth. Naturally people will feel something learning these histories and since we are yet to learn of a civilization with a happy ending I doubt that the feelings will be positive. What people do with the information provided or the emotions they feel towards the information is of little importance and will change nothing of the history.
Sadly people continue to feel instead think when it comes to topics like these. But hating someone for the sins of the father will not change the past and we will be no better for it. Therefor it is still important to learn these histories. We do not study history to find someone to blame for our lives today, but to understand why these things happened and to learn from them so we might avoid making the same mistakes in the future. As memory is the teacher of men, history is the teacher of nations. I am sure that you of all people do not require a speech such as this but hopefully it will at least be nice to hear. Thank you for your incredible work and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Sorry to hear about the on-going case you're dealing with.
Have always listened to Radio Aryan/Albion, and must say, I've never heard any form of hatred from any of the presenters over the years.
The information from the site has been priceless, from Christianity and ancient history to the 2nd World War and communism, with Dennis Wise and your self. All the topics covered are 100% verifiable and true. As someone in my 50s, I've seen massive change in the country (as have we all). After serving in the British army and completing 2 tours of duty, l moved back to the UK from Germany. Around the time Blair was voted in, which, I'd say was when the anti white agenda was speeded up. Understanding the Kalergie plan was pivotal in my learning and understanding why the country I'd served didn't really, or haven't ever cared for the indigenous or the soldiers sent to fight wars on behalf of bankers and politicians. One brothers war in N ireland, and the needless Gulf war 1.
Also, the Christian shows are very needed. To find your identity in Yahweh is the first step towards finding out who you are and what your folk are capable of. (Had the pleasure of naming Grandpa Dans show)
Also, the information on the Daily Nationalist is informative, with discussions on crime, race and iq. This truth is nowhere to be found on the mainstream, which if anything, would help folk understand who exactly has a propensity towards crime! Depending on who you listen to on the Alternative media, you can be led astray, so having Radio Albion is peace of mind that truth and common sense is always available, when everything around us is in turmoil.
I hope to see a free England/Britain in my lifetime, safe in the knowledge, my sons and Grand children will live in peace. For those reasons and true faith in Yahweh, l will carry on listening.
Thanks to all the presenters, who obviously work tirelessly to keep us informed.
Sven, I think that you teach us to love what is behind us, not hate what is in front of us. One way you help us appreciate our culture, people and heritage is by contrasting it with others. In so doing, we tend to love and value our own people all the more. In addition to highly judicious phrasing and being motivated by love, RA regularly provides guidance on how to peacefully proceed with activism and is exemplary in how to behave as a Christian.
Sven, thank you and everybody at RA for all your hard work and everything you've done. Radio Albion has been an important part of my life for years now and you all have helped me turn my life around, and especially helped in strengthening my faith and relationship with God. God bless you all!
I discovered RA a few years back when researching British legends and folklore. I’ve always found its’ programmes informative and objective, overlaid with a strong Christian ethos. The range of its’ output is unrivalled in range and depth, and is without bias or animus towards any other group. The presenter is one of a few broadcasters unashamed to show a love for his country and a pride in its’ history and achievements.
Hello Sven, I’ve just seen an article describing your arrest for “hate speech” and the like. It is very concerning that RA and you are being labelled in this way as it is absolutely not true. On the contrary, you should be congratulated for promoting critical thinking and open debate. The broadcasts encourage respect for other races and religions. RA encourages Christian values, family, the love of our nation and the diversity that can only be protected with nationhood.
Sven, it's been a part of my nearly daily media listens since you started it. It's a GREAT resource for unbiased history of our people, at least those who have ancestry hailing from Britannia. I've NEVER felt "insulted" by you or your interviewees and guests. I REALLY appreciate that you, unlike the "Mass Media Cartel", don't lie about reality, but just report it as you see it.
Hey Sven and others, I just want to explicitly say in response to your request for people to let you know how they've been influenced by radio albion that listening to radio albion impels me to read books and go to church, it's not hateful whatsoever.
Jason Kohne
To whom it may concern,
I am Jason Kohne, an American citizen. I spent two days in the UK and in interment conversation with Sven in 2020. Most of those conversations were socio-political in nature. Sven didn’t speak a single negative word about nonwhite people or any “victim group.” Rather, he spoke fairly and compassionately about all groups of people. Sven struck me as a fair-minded and sensitive person. Though an irregular listener of Sven’s program, I have never heard him say anything that could be construed as an exhortation to think negatively about or to harm any group of people. Based on my observations of Sven, it would take an intellectually dishonest and perhaps even malicious imagination to say otherwise about Sven’s benign conclusions and observable motives.
Dr MR Johnson PhD
I’m writing in the case of Sven Longshanks and the radio/podcast platform Radio Albion. I’m an American trained academic (PhD, University of Nebraska at Lincoln 1999, thesis 9929208) using Radio Albion as a platform for both essays and lectures. Primarily, I’ve transferred lectures delivered over 20 years as a university professor to mp3 format with Longshanks’ assistance. My work is quite popular over a varied audience in four continents. My purpose is to use a well-known, intellectual forum – free of censorship – to put forth controversial ideas online. Academic journals have officially banned any ideas deemed sufficiently non-Leftist.
Years ago, the forum was called “Radio Aryan,” to which I objected. It was later changed to Radio Albion despite the fact that “Aryan” was a reference to the Indo-European language group rather than Hitlerian ideology. Albion is a highly diverse group of intellectuals spanning the “Rightist” spectrum from libertarian to Hegelian to royalist. There’s no official ideology promoted, unlike the academic world. In my case, I’ve supported the policies of leaders from the Sudan, South Korea, South Vietnam and Indonesia. I’ve criticized Hitler and Mussolini in uncompromising terms over several broadcasts. This is hardly a “white supremacist” platform.
Mr. Longshanks has made it clear that any inflammatory language be proscribed, and it’s enforced rigorously, though such language is usually confined to the forum and has no official standing. My personal reputation would be harmed if I was a part of a web-platform that regularly featured such vitriol. While not all the contributors are academics, the intellectual tenor at Albion is high. All claims have to be well researched and cited and contributors who can’t or won’t don’t last long.
I’ve been involved at Albion as a contributor since 2016. I also listen to many shows and discussions on the radio server. I’ve never heard any form of incitement to hate any particular group. If it were to show itself, I would immediately complain to Mr. Longshanks and, if a remedy was not forthcoming, leave the network. This is likely the view of other contributors.
In my years of close professional contact with Longshanks, I’ve never heard him utter a word motivated by such a crass emotion like hatred. While our opponents are no strangers to incendiary rhetoric, none of that is a part of his mental firmware and that extends to the network, which for me, exists as a forum for intellectual criticisms of globalization, usury, liberalism and oligarchy.
I’m proud to lend my name and reputation to such a site.
RL (Name and Address supplied)
I am writing to you in response to hearing the news from Sven Longshanks regarding a court hearing that he was attending.
I would like to point out my dismay on hearing a request from him, to have to present to you, evidence in support of why the programmes he has produced should not be scrutinised and indeed stopped.
Could I take this opportunity to express my view on the importance of these programmes, many of which are very educational. Delving into history, uncovering subjects, which are continuously backed up by references to books and authors, many of which are no longer in print, and which back up his research. These are factual, historically referenced, well produced programmes.
A lot of the programmes remind me of my school days, many cover subjects which are no longer in the curriculum nowadays, and which I had simply forgotten.
Programmes also cover religious aspects in which bible quotes and passages are used which I believe help people in their everyday lives, it seems that unfortunately we are living in a very non-religious country today, compared to when I was younger.
There are also in-depth programmes which cover political structures and subjects which delve into the minds of the founders of these ideas from the far left and human rights activists, to the right of politics. Thinkers and writers and writings are all presented neutrally, by a well-known author and lecturer of many years standing.
The channel produces a historical programme going back to the beginnings of civilisation, and details the advancements in people and inventions, and talks about great modern-day thinkers and persons in the public eye. Much of the information is more informative historically than many which appear on the everyday TV channels.
Of his many years of research and in-depth analysis he has produced a wealth of information which I have enjoyed immensely. And never, on any occasion have I heard any of these programmes put forward or encourage any form of aggression or hatred on any groups or individuals, or persons to the left or right of politics.
Although I have never met the author and producer, my personal thoughts on this situation is that you are putting this individual under an immense amount of undue stress and worry for no other reason than being responsible for creating historical, religious and political media which based on a factual context. Without this media, many subjects will be forgotten to the point of disappearing from Britain's wide historical spectrum. These programmes are not hate producing, they are not related to or inciteful to any violence, and continually promote discussion and productive results by analysis of writings from all areas. This man should be congratulated on his work and his library of otherwise disappearing works.