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Parish of the Patriots: End of Year Show – PP 123021

Grandpa Dan hosts the last show of the year bringing us Nationalist inspiration along with Christian insight.

Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussion as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of the show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated and you can find out how to do that at the bottom of the page.

In order to bring you the final show of 2021, this week’s podcast has been being recorded early. As a result, current event discussions would be outdated so we’re not going to do that this week and instead, you will be treated to general ramblings from GPD.

While these may be general ramblings they are not meaningless ramblings. Instead we’ll be covering many topics from the meaning of life to the current clown regime swiftly moving into a hard tyranny. One thing that gets missed in the doom virus debate is that even if everything they said about the virus was true (which obviously it’s not), they still would not have the authority to take our God given rights from us. They are simply taking them because they believe they can bully their way into doing so. In the short term they can. However this is a short sighted and dangerous approach.

In the Christian specific segment we’ll be revisiting the story of the woman “caught in adultery” who was brought before Jesus. Pretty much everyone is familiar with this story and at one time or another every pastor has probably preached a sermon on it. These sermons will generally be along the lines of “Look how forgiving Jesus is”.

We ourselves have covered this story before on this show. However as is often the case, you can go back to these familiar passages from the Bible and often come away with a new understanding in even the most familiar of stories and we will be considering this one from a perspective you are almost guaranteed never to have heard before.

Bible reference will be: John 8:1-11

They brought the woman before Jesus in order to trap him that they might accuse Him. The question we’ve always failed to ask is, “Where’s the trap?”

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Presented  by Grandpa Dan

Parish of the Patriots: End of Year Show – PP 123021


Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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