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Patriotic History: The Hebrew Phoenicians – PH 122421

Sven Longshanks and PatriArt look at the golden age of Phoenicia and who was behind it.

The Phoenician empire began at the same time that the Israelites conquered and occupied the area.

They spread out from the Syria/Lebanon area to north Africa colonising Carthage and heading as far as Britain.

Connections can be drawn between the megaliths of Britain and in the near east through these colonisers.

The same unit of measurement was used for Stonehenge, as in the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

LA Waddell also found links between the cup marks on stones in Britain and the cup marks found on the Mesopotamian clay tablets.

Notes for the episode can be found HERE

Presented by Sven Longshanks and PatriArt

Patriotic History: The Hebrew Phoenicians – PH 122421


Patriotic History will be back on Radio Albion next Friday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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