Sven Longshanks looks at a poll showing people are not free to speak their mind on certain government policies.
Yougov have released a poll showing a third of Britons feel they cannot say how they feel about immigration for fear of being ‘cancelled’.
They may not know what ‘cancel culture’ is, but they do know they have to keep their mouths shut about certain government policies.
Two thirds of Conservative voters are too frightened to even speak with a conservative viewpoint, with the Conservative party in power.
Clearly the party does not represent its voters and the poll itself implies that hate speech legislation is being used to censor criticism of social and political policies by asking what is more important, free speech or protecting people from ‘hateful’ speech.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: One Third of Britons Too Frightened to Speak – DN 122921
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