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Patriotic Weekly Review: Dr David Duke – PWR 010522

Dr David Duke joins Mark Collett and Jason Kohne for a new episode of Patriotic Weekly Review

David explains that Ghislaine Maxwell’s father was an Israeli spy, the most famous of them since the founding of Israel.

He was a media mogul and his networks showed his Israel bias and promoted the lie about Iraqi WMD.

Epstein was running a sex ring for businessmen and politicians, while feeding the information gleaned back to the Mossad through Maxwell’s spy ring.

It was a spy ring for Israel, which was exposed by another Israeli spy, with British citizenship.

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Presented by Mark Collett and Jason Kohne

Patriotic Weekly Review: Dr David Duke – PWR 010522


Patriotic Weekly Review will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 2pm EDT/7pm BST.
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