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Patriotic History: The British Conquest of Rome – PH 042222

Sven Longshanks and the PatriArt discuss Brennus and Belinus victory over Rome.

The only time in Rome’s history that it was vanquished, was by the army led by the two British kings.

It was memorialised as the blackest day in Rome’s history and is attested to by various Roman writers.

Many of the most celebrated Roman characters were descended from the Kymro-Celtic occupiers and Cisalpine Gaul was founded by them.

Back in Britain the Phoenician King Partholon arrives and is given Erin to colonise.

He went on to become a legendary patriarch of the Scots.

Notes for this episode can be found HERE

Presented by Sven Longshanks and the PatriArt

Patriotic History: The British Conquest of Rome – PH 042222


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