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The Daily Nationalist: The End of the G20? – DN 042122

Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson discuss the collapse and split of the G20.

The G7 was created to represent the most wealthy economies of the world, yet India may now be dropped from its meeting for supporting Russia.

The G20 has Russia as a member, yet the US are demanding Russia be expelled, only half the G20 are BRICS countries allied with Russia.

The G7 is also not capable of entirely cutting Russia out, as they rely upon her for gas and oil.

Already the public in Britain are starting to reject the idea of paying more for fuel in order to ‘punish’ Putin.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson

The Daily Nationalist: The End of the G20? – DN 042122


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