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PA Monthly Update: May – PA 052722

Mark Collett and Laura Towler host the Patriotic Alternative monthly update.

Mark begins by explaining how to make Subject Access Requests to HardCash Productions who secretly filmed PA at private events.

White Lives Matter day is coming up and people are already getting prepared for drawing attention to the demographic changes.

Kenny Smith joins, who made international headlines last year with activism at Ben Nevis.

A new leaflet has been produced, highlighting the cost of living crisis and the politicians’ pay rise.

PA will be putting out a series of videos on history with Steve and Jo Parish.

Joe Marsh speaks about a planned drag queen tour of libraries reading to children.

The regions have all been busy, with lots of outings in the countryside and banner drops.

Find out more about Patriotic Alternative HERE

Presented by Mark Collett and Laura Towler

PA Monthly Update: May – PA 052722


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