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The Daily Nationalist: Alex Davies Found Guilty – DN 051822

Sven Longshanks looks at the guilty verdict, asylum seekers, Dr Who and Jo Biden’s Twitter account.

Alex Davies the former leader of National Action has been found guilty of remaining a member, because he formed another group with a similar name, similar people and a similar ideology.

We are told this is the last of the trials concerning membership of the proscribed far right terrorist group.

In Linton-on-Ouse the first asylum seekers have arrived, while the villagers are still waiting for their legal appeal to be heard.

In Doctor Who the new Doctor will be played by a flamboyant Black homosexual, his assistant will be played by a transgender and the producer will be a famous gay spokesman and of course all are still talking about how under-represented their communities are.

Joe Biden the most popular man in the history of the world only has ten million Twitter followers, as the other ten million are fake, meaning he had roughly 10% of the followers Donald Trump had, yet still won the election?

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: Alex Davies Found Guilty – DN 051822


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