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The Daily Nationalist: Great Replacement Denial – DN 061022

Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Dan look at this phenomenon which contradicts observable demographic reality.

The ‘great replacement’ is a term first used by a French author to describe the displacement of Europeans with non-Europeans in their homelands and colonies.

It is an observable reality that this is happening, but because the term has been used by terrorists, progressive lawmakers are keen to describe it as just a theory and to condemn it as being ‘white supremacist’ and ‘anti-Semitic’.

The use of the term does not necessarily imply the people behind it are Jews or are acting maliciously, it is just an observation on the result of unrestricted immigration into formerly White countries and has even been used by Hungary's President Orban.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Dan

The Daily Nationalist: Great Replacement Denial – DN 061022


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