Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson takes a look at the Old Testament prophets and their apocalyptic warnings.
Today's lecture is on the several Apocalypse(s) of the Old Testament, especially Ezekiel and Isaiah. Virtue remains the centerpiece of these visions of the end, as an oligarchy takes over, inherently pagan and materialist, who rules through usury, not natural law. Usury, prostitution, fornication, faggotry, profiteering, heresy, disorder and injustice are all one thing: the rule of the passions at the expense of reason and the common good. Ezekiel, Isiah and Daniel all lay out what the end will look like, and what causes the fall of great empires and states.
Dr. Johnson is very excited to announce the launch of the Orthodox Nationalist debut merchandise here: https://www.gearbubble.com/gbstore/tonmrj?did=TONMRJ. His manager has put together a format of monthly merchandise with different designs and historical figures each month. There will be a ten day sale from the 1st to the 10th of every month on all new designs. This month from June 1st through June 10th, everything is 20% off! We are using a drop ship company which will be responsible for any production and/or shipping errors. Please contact Gearbubble directly with any purchase issues. If you have any other feedback or design ideas, please feel free to contact my team manager at theorthodoxnationalist@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support. As my life circumstances have changed (for the better!), financial support from all of you is even more important for me to continue to research and speak the truth full-time. So go check out the store front at the link here and theorthodoxnationalist.wordpress.com and let us know what you think at theothodoxnationalist@gmail.com
Presented by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: The Prophetic Apocalypse(s) – TON 060122
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm GMT.
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