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Parish of the Patriots: The Power of an Idea – PP 070522

Grandpa Dan looks at how our lives can end up being be influenced and limited by false ideas about the world in which we live.

Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussions as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to be a part of that, you can find the addresses highlighted at the bottom of this page.

Life can seem extremely complicated and thus, overwhelming. The answer to this is to boil things down to their simplest form. In its simplest form, life comes down to decisions and you have to make decisions in order to move forward. Your life is often affected by the decisions that others make. Also when it comes to making decisions, seldom to never are your choices going to be clear cut. Understanding these things is essential to being able to take back control of your life and being able to move on from fear and uncertainty, to faith and resolve.

Whether we realize it or not, we are all subject to the power of an idea. These are things we have been programmed with our entire lives. This would not be a problem except that in our modern society, virtually all of these ideas are false. These ideas coupled with the fear of opposing them are used to manipulate and control the people. As Christian believers, our weapon with which we counter these ideas is our faith. Ultimately our level of faith will determine how much power those who oppose the truth hold over us.

Bible reference will be: Mark 6: 1-6

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Email: parishofthepatriots@protonmail.com

Presented by Grandpa Dan

Parish of the Patriots: The Power of an Idea – PP 070522


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