Grandpa Dan looks at the way words keep changing their meanings.
Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussions as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to be a part of supporting this show, you can find that information at the bottom of this page.
Words have meanings or at least, they are supposed to. It is impossible to communicate ideas, debate or come to an agreement if the definition of words is ever-changing.
Because we live in an inverted (read satanic) society based on lies, the definition of words is always changing. This week we’ll take a look at the word “racism”. This is a word that is used a lot in our current collapsing society and yet, does anyone know what it means? We’ll take a look at the current dictionary definition of the term to see how it all lines up.
In the Christian specific segment this week, we’ll talk about the need to spiritually prep. The current trajectory of society is leading us to inevitable collapse. Some people are physically prepping for this by storing up food, ammo etc. but how many people are prepping spiritually?
When this current society ultimately faceplants, the vast majority of people are going to be completely unprepared both spiritually and mentally. This will more than likely lead to a massive wave of suicides as people will be unable to deal with it.
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: Spiritual Prepping – PP 071922
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.
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