Grandpa Dan looks at the devious naming of government bills and Peter the Apostle’s denial of Jesus.
The Parish of the Patriots returns contains one of a kind thought provoking discussion as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to be a part of that, you can find the information at the bottom of this page.
Government bills are most easily understood by simply applying the opposite of what their name implies. For instance; the “Patriot Act” is pretty much the polar opposite of anything to do with patriotism. Likewise, the government now has a bill to “Fight Inflation”… creating tens of billions of more dollars.
One of the aspects of this bill that has garnered some attention recently is the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents. While quite a few people have voiced alarm over this, many have missed a key point; namely that this has less to do with collecting taxes and much more to do with intimidation and control.
In the Christian specific segment we’ll be looking at Peter’s denial of Jesus. Peter was zealous for the Lord which is good. However his zealousness caused him to get ahead of himself and in so doing, make a huge mistake.
The thing is, Peter went on to do the work that the Lord intended for him and did eventually follow Christ even unto death, it was simply later on. The point of today’s discussion is to understand that in order for Peter to go on and do the work the Lord had laid out for him to do, he had to be able to put his prior mistakes behind him. This lesson also applies to ourselves.
Bible reference this week will be: Mark 14: 27-31 and Mark 14: 66-72
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: Buying Control – PP 082322
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.
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