Grandpa Dan looks at the importance of how you conduct yourself and explains why Jesus was in conflict with the authorities of his time.
The Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussions as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated and if you wish to take part in that, you can find the information at the bottom of this page.
This week we’ll discuss random truths that people seem unwilling to accept. For the most part, these have nothing to do with grand over-arching issues, but instead cover the way people conduct their lives and the way they present themselves to others.
In the Christian specific segment we’ll be discussing Jesus and the law. Many people fail to understand that Jesus did not come to overturn the law and the prophets but instead came to fulfil the law and the prophets. This however begs the question: If Jesus didn’t come to overturn the law, then why was he in constant conflict with the Scribes and Pharisees?
In the Old Testament, those in charge of religious matters were the Levites yet in the New Testament, we find that religious matters have been subverted and taken over by the Scribes and Pharisees. These people subverted and replaced God’s laws with a new doctrine: “The Tradition of the Elders”.
Bible reference will be: Mathew 5: 17-20 and Mathew 15: 1-6
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: Spittin’ Facts – PP 080222
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.
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