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Real Britannia: No Difference Between Them – RB 080122

Sven Longshanks and Max Musson discuss the Tory leadership hopefuls, the Lionesses and William Stukeley.

Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss are struggling to find any notable differences between them and the leadership election does seem a very drawn out process.

The English women’s football team are doing very well and they appear to have been selected on ability rather than on a diversity quota.

William Stukeley drew attention to the destruction of ancient monuments for building material and devoted his life to protecting them.

It is amazing that nobody thought to really write about these megalithic wonders until him, considering Britain has the largest ones in Europe.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson

Real Britannia: No Difference Between Them – RB 080122


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