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Parish of the Patriots: The Criminalization of Dissent – PP 092022

Grandpa Dan looks at misuse of the law for political ends before explaining why Christianity should be intolerant.

The Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussion as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to be a part of supporting this show, you can find that information at the bottom of this page.

This week we’ll once again take a look at the world burning down around us. From inflation to war to general societal collapse we’ve got it all covered. There is no reason to believe that things are going to be fixed anytime soon if for no other reason than the fact that the actions that would be required to fix these things would be to the detriment of those who own the government.

Many miss the point of what is happening with the current trend of government crack downs on Trump supporters. Team D cheerleaders who hate the orange man think this is great while conservatives whine that this is somehow about simply keeping team R out of power. However what we’re truly seeing here is the normalization of the criminalization of dissent. Ultimately this will be wielded against any and all dissent, regardless of what party you nominally support.

In the Christian specific segment we proclaim that Christianity is an intolerant religion. The world proclaims that tolerance is a virtue so it stands to reason that as believers our position is the opposite. Somewhere along the line, Christians began conflating tolerance with mercy. This week we’ll discuss the difference between the two.

Bible reference this week will be:

Jude 1: 21-23

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Presented by Grandpa Dan

Parish of the Patriots: The Criminalization of Dissent – PP 092022


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