Sven Longshanks and PatriArt look at the arrival of the Saxons in Britain.
King Constantine III took the army from Britain to Gaul where they defeated the Vandal confederation, leaving the island sparsely defended.
A comet also devastated the country at this time, causing many to flee to Brittany.
It was at this point that Hengist, Horsa and the Saxons arrived, on the invitation of Vortigern, who married a Saxon princess and gave her father the county of Kent in exchange for her.
This upset the Britons, who kicked the Saxons out, but they came back and carried out the treacherous ‘night of the long knives’ slaying the British princes during a peace treaty.
The sons of Constantine were recalled from Armorica and one of them, Uthyr, was the father of the famous King Arthur II.
Notes for this episode can be found HERE
Presented by Sven Longshanks and PatriArt
Patriotic History: Britons and Saxons – PH 092322
Patriotic History will be back on Radio Albion next Friday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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