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Patriotic History: King Arthur II – PH 102122

Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt look at the life of the second King Arthur.

Arthur II was the son of Uthyr Pendragon (King Meurig) and also the nephew of Aurelius Ambrosius.

When his father died, the Saxons amassed to take Britain from the Britons, leaving their homelands empty until the time of Bede.

After 12 huge battles, Arthur defeated them at the battle of Badon, causing a 30 year gap in the Anglo-Saxon chronicle.

The Britons saw this as a Christian crusade against heathen forces and when they won, they stuck rigidly to Christian law and morals.

Arthur then took his army to Europe, where after taking Gaul and Scandinavia, he headed for Milan to free Rome from the Goths.

Notes for this episode can be found HERE

Presented by Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt

Patriotic History: King Arthur II – PH 102122


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