Sven Longshanks and Max Musson break down the financial chaos and discuss Owain Glyndwr.
Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini budget has caused chaos in the financial markets, with interest rates going up and taxes going down for the rich.
Pension funds have taken huge risks with their investments and the Bank of England has had to step in and guarantee payments, which will now cause even more inflation.
Owain Glyndwr really did look like he would succeed and he had considerable support among the Scots, French and even English, but for an unexplained reason his army backed down after 8 days of facing the English king.
His men never turned him in and he refused to accept a royal pardon, entering into Welsh folklore as a national hero who may return one day to liberate his people.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Max Musson
Real Britannia: UK Financial Woes – RB 100322
Real Britannia will be back on Radio Albion Monday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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