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The Daily Nationalist: Racially Exclusive Safe Spaces – DN 101022

Sven Longshanks looks at universities excluding White people from safe spaces and attempts to ‘decolonise’ everything.

Westminster University is banning White people from attending Black History Month events on campus.

This they say, is to create a safe space for Black students to have honest conversations and discussion, which means they are admitting that racially exclusive areas are required for people to feel most comfortable.

This is not the first time White people have been banned in order to create a ‘safe space’ for non-Whites, the same happened at a ‘Resisting Whiteness’ event at the University of Edinburgh. 

Britain’s largest teacher’s union is calling for teachers to become activists, decolonise the curriculum and combat ‘whiteness’.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: Racially Exclusive Safe Spaces – DN 101022


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