Grandpa Dan talks about the importance of recognising the good things we have in our lives and being thankful for them.
Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussions as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to be a part of supporting this show, you can find that information at the bottom of this page.
Though we live in interesting times to say the least, we should take the time to be thankful. Thanksgiving is this week and presents an excellent opportunity to stop and be thankful for the things that we do have in our lives. Go visit your family, be thankful for those who are a blessing in your life and appreciate the things that bring you gladness. Times are difficult and are likely to get more difficult. However this is all the more reason to be thankful for the things that we have right now.
In the Christian specific segment, we’ll be talking about not externalizing your struggle with sin. It is easy to fall into the trap of turning sin into something bigger than it actually is. You wind up feeling as though you are wrestling against this much larger opponent and at times it may seem that the best you can hope for is a stalemate.
Jesus told us that the truth would set us free. How so? If you are truthful with yourself concerning your struggle against sin, then you will be forced to understand that at the end of the day all you are actually struggling with is yourself. To put it another way; you are actually struggling with a decision of whether or not to go ahead and commit sin. As difficult as it may be to come to this understanding of the nature of your struggle, coming to that understanding can help set you free. In other words, if the one making the struggle so difficult is you, then you also have the power to free yourself from that struggle.
Bible reference will be: Romans 7: 21-25
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: Be Thankful – PP 112222
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.
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