Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at the rebellion against oligarchy in Byzantine times.
This lecture deals with an essential period in Byzantine history, the Macedonian Dynasty. Specifically, the period between 912 to 1025, covering the reigns of St. Nikephoros II Phokas, John I Tzimiskes and the great Basil II.
This, more than any other time in Byzantine history, showed the battle between the principles of oligarchy and the empire at its height. Both the war against oligarchic rebellion domestically and the war against it externally defined the empire both at the time and later in the Moscow kingdom.
The anti-principle of oligarchy was also found in the remnant of Khazaria in Crimea as well as, at an earlier time, the Jewish creation of Islam through the Himyarite Kingdom, which converted to Judaism in 390 AD.
Presented by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: Oligarchy and Monarchy in Byzantium – TON 111622
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm GMT.
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