Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson talks about the elite bodyguard of the Slavic princes.
In Old Kiev, the druzhina – the sworn brotherhood that surrounded the prince and carried out his will – was the foundation of the state. This was the elite military band that acted as the bodyguard of the East Slavic princes. It was the core of the army and the princely administration and soon became a key component of Russian Orthodox political theory.
St. Olga of Kiev was the founder of the Kievan state in a political sense both through her own brilliance as well as the loyalty of her bodyguard. From a position of weakness, she used her own wits to establish Kiev as a strong regional power surrounded by much stronger opponents. The person of St. Olga and the institution of the druzhina was the foundation of what would become the Russian Orthodox Empire.
Presented by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: St.Olga and the Princely Druzhina – TON 110222
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm GMT.
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