Grandpa Dan questions whether everything we see is scripted, because it sure does feel like that sometimes.
Parish of the Patriots contains one of a kind thought provoking discussion as well as a Christian specific message that you won’t find anywhere else. If you get something out of this show, your voluntary financial support is very much appreciated. If you wish to be a part of supporting this show, you can find that information at the bottom of this page.
Out of the mountain of Q-anon gibberish, there is one line that has stuck with me: “You’re watching a movie”. I was reminded of this line while watching all of this Elon Musk Twitter drama unfold. The entire thing feels scripted. You wouldn’t go out and buy a house or a used car without due diligence but we’re supposed to believe that this man spent billions for a company without any plan to operate it. No strategy for moderation, no team for running things moving forward, no legal team to work out any legal ramifications, nothing.
For the most part it simply seems we’ve moved from “You’re not allowed to say anything some unknown Twitter person might not approve of” to “You’re not allowed to say anything Elon Musk or some unknown Twitter person might not approve of”. So at the end of the day, nothing has changed and people are being gaslit to the point where no one even bothers asking why we have to have permission to speak the truth (and make no mistake, the truth is what’s banned, all of this other stuff is just the excuses they give you) at all and instead spend all of their energy trying to figure out what’s allowed today.
In the Christian specific segment this week, we’ll be going to the listener supporter mailbag to discuss (speculate really) Jesus’ early life and childhood. While this might seem like a topic that won’t take long, we wound up using the entire segment as we take the opportunity to delve into the point of view of those in Jesus’ life.
Bible reference will be: Luke 2: 40-52, John 2: 1-4, Mathew 12: 46-50
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Presented by Grandpa Dan
Parish of the Patriots: You’re Watching A Movie – PP 120622
Parish of the Patriots will be back on Radio Albion Tuesday at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.
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